Supported Employment


Creating an Environment for Success!



Supported Employment through The Arc provides adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) with the opportunity to develop, exhibit, and enhance employment skills in a community setting.


 The opportunities for Supported Employment can include: identifying a job or vocational direction, instruction and training in employment skills; such as resume writing, mock interviewing, and learning best practices.

We provide assistance with job development and acclimation to the work setting. Supported Employment services assist eligible individuals who require ongoing support on and off the job in order to choose, obtain, and retain competitive-integrated employment.



Our hiring community partners include

  • Big Lots
  • Burger King
  • Family Fare
  • FireKeepers Casino and Hotel
  • McDonalds
  • NorthPointe Woods
  • WalMart

Please contact Trevor Hardy at for more information or if your business is interested in hiring.